In case you haven’t heard the announcements on the morning news, Springfield High School welcomed a new fall sport: girls’ volleyball. The team, coached by Mrs. Lesmeister, includes an assortment of experienced and beginner volleyball players. Captain Gracie D’Amico, a sophomore, has played “club for three years,” while Katie Tisoskey, a junior, played for the first time this year. With a wide range of experience, Mrs. Lesmeister acknowledged that at the beginning of the season, “there were only a couple of girls who played volleyball outside of gym class, so they had to learn all the different techniques and actual positions on the court.” But Mrs. Lesmeister went on to say that learning the roles is where she saw the most progress.
The friendships made on and off the court meant more than any result the season could have provided. Any new team will not naturally be good at communicating, but Katie Tisoskey said she “feel[s] like [they] made friendships throughout the season, and it helped [them] communicate better.” The whole team seemed to get closer as the season progressed.
Mrs. Lesmeister’s girls’ volleyball team has much to be proud of. Each player has so many fun memories and moments that show volleyball isn’t just about winning; if players have fun along the way, the season is a success. Katie’s favorite part of the season “was making new friends.”
Following her team’s valiant efforts and impressive performances, Mrs. Lesmeister earned the title “female coach of the season” from the STHS athletic department.
Even though the volleyball team is new, it still shows signs of a promising young team. Mrs. Lesmeister says, “[she’s] super optimistic. [They] came so far in the first season, and by next year, [they] will be great.”